Mindful flowers - ONLINE COURSE -
Mindful flowers - ONLINE COURSE -
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THE ONLINE COURSE "Mindful flowers"
Do you long for connection with your creative side and be able to connect with nature and your inner being in the process?
In this course you create just for that!
This course is for you if you want to create for ease and find peace and relaxation in the creative process without setting the main focus on mastering a certain outcome or beauty.
Put all the excuses aside, let go of the inner critic and come on a flower journey with soulful art! Everyone can play with paint and colours!
You get immediate access to the course and can start working on your soulful art when it suits you at your own pace. Access to this course does not expire as long as sálarlist.is exists. You will receive an email after the purchase with instructions on how to create access and your course is stored there (Under my courses at salarlist.is).

Mindful flower doodling
ONLINE COURSES at your pace!
Experience the magic of soul art from the comfort of your own home with this self-paced ONLINE course! Delve into the world of mindful floral "doodle" creations at your own convenience. Let your soul unfurl its creative wings and paint with pure delight.
Self phased ONLINE course.
Paint for the soul!
Are you someone with a creative spark, yearning to discover a nurturing path for unleashing your creativity, while enhancing your intuition, awareness, and self-connection? This is a journey of true self-cultivation.
You don't need any experience!
No prior experience is necessary—just bring your creativity, internet connection and your computer!
This course is your sanctuary if you seek to create effortlessly, finding solace and tranquility within the artistic process. The spotlight here isn't on perfection, but rather on the joy of creation itself. Soul art is about crafting something exclusively for your enjoyment, an art that resonates with your innermost being.
Soul art is to be enjoyed!
Soul art is the art you create for yourself to enjoy. Embrace the liberty of creating without constraints or expectations. Let go of the notion of creating for a final product; instead, immerse yourself in the art of the process. This is your medium for cultivating mindfulness, enhancing awareness, and staying connected with your innate creative force.
Creativity resides in all of us
"It's wonderful to find inspiration for creation and the vitality that comes with it."
Embark on a soul-nurturing journey within this course, where mindfulness intertwines seamlessly with flower doodle creation, journaling, and meditation. Unleash your inner artistic essence and allow it to revel in the act of creation, cherishing the process itself over the final outcome.
This course is designed to spark inspiration and kindle your motivation to forge a deeper connection with yourself through the art of mindful flower doodle. As you immerse yourself in the guided exercises, you'll find joy and inspiration. With step-by-step videos demonstrating my personal process from inception to completion, you'll be inspired to create your own uniq mindful florals.
Embrace the flower power as you water the seeds of creativity within your soul, cultivating precious moments of self-expression through your journaling process and mindful floral art with creative self care.

What is in the course?
In the course you will find:
- A roundup of art supplies you can use to create your own floral creations
- Guided mindfulness exercises
- A lovely guided flower meditation
- 12 videos of creative exercises that show you the creation of different flower doodles that anyone can do, from start to finish with a focus on mindfulness practice.

Kristín Berta is a teacher in creative self-care
In 2020, Kristín Berta established Sálarlist, a haven for soulful art. Drawing from diverse educational backgrounds, she nurtures her passion for creative expression. Soulful art encapsulates the realms of artistic creation, meditation, and a harmonious connection with nature. Beyond these, it guides towards the art of living mindfully and becoming the creator of your own life story.
Within the tapestry of soulful art, Kristín Berta assumes multiple roles. As a clinical social worker and family therapist, she weaves her expertise into her own practice. Additionally, she gracefully balances her roles as an artist, yoga nidra teacher, therapist and an instructor in creative self-care and mindfulness. Through enlightening talks at corporations and events, Kristín Berta generously shares her insights, derived from her proficiency and personal journey through profound grief and her healing journey using soulful art. Join her in the enriching voyage of soulful art, where self-expression becomes a gateway to empowerment and well-being.
Flowers make everything better!
A moment with you...
Let yourself create a moment with colors and flowers and let your muse blossom!
Find the mindfulness in creating for the process
Anyone can enjoy practicing mindfulness alongside creativity.
Spark your creativity
Painting flower doodles in a mindful mindset is a wonderful way to activate your connection to creativity.
Hvað hafa aðrir að segja um það að iðka sálarlist?
Ég var einu sinni feimin og fannst margt ljótt sem ég bjó til. En ekki lengur. Þessi list hjá þér gerir mig hamingjusama og er heilun fyrir mig. Þú gefur hugleiðslunum mikið með rólegu röddinni þinni. Þú nærð að róa allt kerfið í líkamanum. Sem er svo fallegt.
Kærar þakkir elsku Kristín Berta
-Sigrún Elísabet-
Ég hef komist nær sjálfri mér, finn meiri hugarró, hamingju og sátt með því að stunda sálarlist. Minn innri gagnrýnandi er ekki að flækjast fyrir mér því sálarlistin hefur kennt mér að hlusta frekar á innsæið og ferlið sjálft fremur en útkomuna.
-Særún Þorláksdóttir-
Það er svo mikið frelsi fólgið í því að sleppa sér lausri og leika sér með liti bara fyrir sjálfa mig og vera ekki að eltast við einhverja fullkomnun fyrir aðra.
-Guðný Pálína Sæmundsdóttir-
Ég hafði oft hlustað á hugleiðslur áður til að slaka á og róa taugarnar en aldrei hafði mér dottið í hug að gera það fyrir sköpun sem er jú algjör snilld. Í gegnum hugleiðslurnar koma til mín allskonar litir og form og ég verð tilbúnari í flæðið sem fylgir sköpuninni.
- Heiðrún Ósk Ölversdóttir-